She doesn't want to end up committing suicide like her mate Jeffrey Epstein.
ghislaine maxwell is on trial for grooming underage girls for sex and joining in, apparently.. her defence has recently finished, with maxwell declining to take the stand herself because she, in her words, 'doesn't need to as the prosecution haven't proved their case beyond reasonable doubt'.. that's for the jury to decide, ghislaine, lol.
doesn't it strike you as arrogant that she can't be arsed to stand up and speak in her own defence?.
She doesn't want to end up committing suicide like her mate Jeffrey Epstein.
do you think the watchtower will ban commenting at the meetings one day?
if you are pimo, you might want to try to make some comments to make others think about the “truth”!
I don't think the WT Q&A will disappear any time soon. It's not a discussion or debate it is simply reciting the published answers.
However, the CO visit has changed over the years. He used to give 4 talks, now down to 3 and none of them have any audience participation. The older ones on here will remember the CO visit on Saturday evening "new things learned" which was questions on the previous 6 months WT's. He wouldn't take QA's in his Public Talk but would involve the audience in the other two.
Some may also remember the late DO David Carter who would even take answers from the audience at a Circuit Assembly.
2017 - wt: the gb is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters... clearly gb have received biblical information about things that been done wrong.
not from god directly, but letters received at headquarters.
if important new light about biblical matters have come to the gb attention, why are they not telling the congregations about that information?
I think there are plenty of Bethelites, including "heavies" that know there are problems with doctrine and organisation. However to misquote a scripture "where else can they go?"
If they speak up they could be down the road with no savings, no accommodation, no pension and no transferable skills. A very scary thought and even more so with the current situation.
actually you can hear it from the governing body himself (jehovah's witnesses leaders) and visualise it with this video… .
welcome to jehovah's witness paradise!.
Wouldn't all of that be taken care of by the "anti-matter/matter" situation?
If that was correct, why didn't he use the magic "anti-matter" at the flood so he didn't have to kill billions of innocent animals? It would also have saved Noah and family spending 50 years building a wooden box. All twaddle of course!
well, i'm spoilt for choice for the seventies!.
so many good movies.
i own a few more films from this decade - 41 to be exact.. so many great films came out in this decade .... the godfather (1972).
I haven't seen all the ones on your list Uni but two of my favourites from the 70's:-
The Day of the Jackal
The French Connection
The Bruce Willis remake of The Jackal was a disaster, only watched it once.
the 2021 annual meeting is causing quite an upset.
if you missed the download link before, then here it is again.. 2021 annual meeting in full.. here:.
Thank you for that. As painful as it will be to watch it will surely be better than the "padded out" version!
dr no (1962).
from russia with love (1963).
the jungle book (1967).
Where Eagles Dare - Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood et al.
I watched it again recently, still enjoyed it.
as far as i can understand is that male-female friendship is a no go for jws.
but how do things work if you want to date someone of the other sex if you can’t have close friendship with?.
Please see my comment on your other post.
can we hang out with someone of the other sex even if the other has a boy- or girlfriend or is married?.
Usually best to introduce yourself on a first post. Tell us a little about your current JW situation etc. Otherwise people may think you are a troll as evidenced by several that have come and gone over the years.
tricky words .
perfectly good words go unused in writing and speaking.
their meaning isn't clear and the eye is 'tricked' by similarity to other words or sounds.. .
I like the word FACETIOUS. It uses all the vowels and they are in alphabetical order. It's the only word I know like that. Any others?